End Of Support preparation for SQL Server & Windows Server 2008

End of support is coming for two commonly deployed server products: SQL Server and Windows Server 2008. Now is the perfect time to upgrade, modernize, and transform to current versions of SQL Server and Windows Server for more protection, better ...

What to Do After a Data Breach?

Terms that were unheard of a few years ago, such as data breach, cybersecurity, and infosec, are now common currency.  Unfortunately, incidents in which sensitive and confidential data has been accessed are brecoming all too common.  There is no formula ...

Top 5 Cloud Service Providers For Businesses in 2018

Cloud Service Providers offer faster innovation, flexible resources, and economies of scale. Simply put, cloud computing is the delivery of servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, intelligence and more over the Internet.   As companies typically pay only for the services ...

Multi-Factor Authentication is Important for Your Business

Multi-factor authentication is a method to grant access to users who successfully provide at least two different pieces of evidence to an authentication mechanism. Cybersecurity As it’s widely known, cyber attacks have soared dramatically during the past few years. Hackers ...

Making Alexa Your Shopping Assistant During the Holiday Season

Alexa, Amazon's voice-controlled assistant, will be offering exclusive deals to its Prime members on Cyber Monday. Just by asking "Alexa, what are your deals?", the U.S. e-commerce giant announced that the voice assistant would respond with secret tips and deals. ...

3 Issues to Anticipate With High Volume Demand

High Volume Demand occurs at any given moment, your website can get a huge wave of traffic and customers. If you have a robust data architecture in place, it will guarantee that that moment will be a cause for a ...

What Does SQL Server AlwaysOn Mean?

AlwaysOn is an integrated high-availability (HA) and disaster recovery (DR) solution that provides redundancy within a SQL Server data center. It allows fast application failover during both scheduled and unplanned downtime. AlwaysOn provides failover cluster instances, multiple secondary, active secondary, ...

Server Downtime Prevention

What can you do to keep your systems up and running consistently? How can you ensure business continuity? For many companies, a server crash means extended server downtime, high stress, lost business opportunities, and idle employees. A server might crash ...

24/7 Customer Support on Black Friday & Cyber Monday

24/7 Customer Support is a key element in planning for surge traffic during peak sales seasons.  If you have been keeping up with our series on e-commerce for Cyber Monday and Black Friday, you are almost ready to face the ...

Shopping Cart Abandonment 5 Solutions

Reports state that a stunningly 75% of shopping carts are abandoned without further explanation. What causes Shopping Cart Abandonment, where a customer leaves an online store after filling a shopping cart? In this article, we will discuss the most common ...