What is Bitcoin and Why Does It Matter?

If you have a social media account, you’ve likely seen several posts from friends or acquaintances about bitcoin. Some of you might have been interested enough to click on attached articles; but most people keep scrolling. Who has time to ...

How to Know When to Upgrade Hardware and Software

Have you ever been on a productive roll at work, typing away like a maniac and getting things done, only to get that awful circle of death? You know, that little circle your computer does when it’s “thinking” or “storing” ...

Why Are Your Systems Running So Slowly?

How wonderful it is to purchase new computers and have everything pop up immediately, isn’t it? But then work gets in the way, and the more documents you save and the more programs you install, your system starts to stall. ...

How Having Managed Security Services Can Save Your Business

Imagine that you’re busily working at your office, feeling productive and excited that you’ll get to bill clients for all the work that you’re getting done. Suddenly, your receptionist comes in, looking embarrassed. “So I opened this email attachment, and ...

How to Implement an Effective Database Recovery Plan

When most people think about cybersecurity, the usual things that come to mind tend to be hackers, computer viruses, and panic inducing trends, such as Ransomware. And while these are serious threats, it's also important to remember that there are ...

Why Other People’s SQL Code Stinks

The following is an excerpt from Chapter 22 of Jeffrey Garbus’ book Transact SQL which can be purchased here.  SQL Code reviews, are much like changing accountants!  HUH?  Have you ever changed accountants? The first thing the new accountant does is ...

6 Tips to Protect Your Company’s Data from a Ransomware Attack

Editor’s Note: This article was originally published on Home Business Magazine Online, a community information sharing site for home-based entrepreneurs and business owners. Ransomware attacks can quickly cripple a business and the problem appears to be growing, as evidenced recently when the U.S. ...

Why Are Cyber Security Breaches So Common?

Once upon a time, hearing or reading about a cybersecurity breach would be scandalous. How could American Express put clients in such a vulnerable position? Today, it’s common to read about such news regularly. It’s happened to Anthem, Target, Yahoo, ...

Soaring High Helping Companies to Implement Database Solutions

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on TMT News, a news site that shares the latest information on technology, media, and telecommunication.  Soaring Eagle Database Consulting are experts at all things database. Recently, we invited Soaring Eagle Database Consulting CEO, Jeffrey Garbus ...

How Much Do You Know About the Dark Web?

Did you know that when you do a Google, Bing, or Yahoo search, only about 4% of the Internet pops up? Yes, even when search results show more pages than you have time to read, the provided information is only ...