Failure of Capacity Planning Leads to MILLIONs in lost revenue


Capacity Planning alerts are the most common alerts database administrators get after hours. Usually, it’s a simple fix to allocate memory as needed and go back to bed.SQL Server Capacity Planning: A Case Study


Other times it isn’t nearly so simple. That’s why we recommend a strong capacity planning and alert system to our clients.

Last week, a client of ours that we are doing contract work for had a massive capacity planning issue.


Unfortunately, they’ve balked at the idea of onboarding our tooling in favor of some legacy software and alerting that they have been using for years.


Our Tool: Soaring Eagle FLIGHT Center has many automated features like predictive capacity and automatic health check analysis.

Either of these tools can pick up capacity issues such as: “the disk is filling up”, to “the space is spiking”, or “your disk will be full and you won’t have room for backups in 45 days”.


The legacy tool did not have any alerting around these issues.  One of their critical business servers went down. BECAUSE THE DISK FILLED. It was very difficult to bring back up. Cost the business over a day of processing, which in turn incurred costs in client loss, loss of trust from the clients, and possible fines or other fees due to missing SLAs etc.


Capacity Planning issues are almost always predictable. If you have done the proper architecture work and scalability / stress testing you should know almost to the day when you will hit your limits, and know about them weeks or even months in advance.


In our world it is embarrassing to have a sever go down because of space issues. They are one of the most preventable issues you have to deal with in your environment.


We have many ways that you can watch for space, prepare, and respond in Soaring Eagle Flight Center. Our 24x7 database managed services team is trained to be disaster preventers- we don’t want the after hours calls either! That means we miss out on some big “thank yous” for restoring servers after a crash, but we happily exchange that for five nines of uptime on our clients.


Ask for a demo of our tool.  Soaring Eagle FLIGHT Center makes database management simple.