Soaring Eagle Database Consulting Inc. and SQL Governor are announcing a partnership to help companies save money

SQL Governor®  helps companies to modernize their data platforms, ease migration to the cloud, and reduce their SQL costs and carbon footprint. SQL Governor® capacity optimization and performance optimization solution is ideal for planning the data platform renewal, in addition to supporting the continuous SQL Server advisory, assessment, and life cycle management.

  • Capacity optimization
    • SQL Governor® helps you to analyze the behavior of your current Microsoft data platform and, based on the analysis, creates an optimal, fact-based, and accurate plan for your new platform—leading to unprecedented benefits.
      • SQL Governor® capacity optimization can save up to 50% in the SQL Server license cost, in addition to substantial savings in service and hardware costs.
      • A data platform that’s capacity is planned with SQL Governor® is compact and easy to manage across it’s whole life cycle.
      • Proactively ensure that you will have the optimal capacity, without sacrificing the performance and availability, throughout the life cycle of the data platform.
      • Predict and manage the data platform’s remaining life cycle and ensure you won’t run out of capacity. Proactively prevent downtime and incidents.
      • Any time during the life cycle, SQL Governor® capacity optimization features can be used for effective re-planning of the platform or part of it.

SQL Governor combined with Soaring Eagle’s Remote Database Management Tool “Soaring Eagle’ FLIGHT CENTER” allows companies to manage the full life cycle of their environments. Soaring Eagle’s Remote Management Database Service can be added to supplement expertise or the people to carry the grunt work load so your DBA’s and developers can work on growing your business

Join Soaring Eagle Consulting CEO Jeff Garbus as we learn how executive teams look at various data management strategies to strategically impact their business. During this three-part series you will gain an understanding of how performance is not always indexed on the amount of the investment made and how to help your teams think differently about the relationship.

Smart executives are thinking about how to properly balance on-premise data needs with cloud based alternatives and where there can be true operational efficiencies gained. Gain an understanding of Master Data Management and how to effectively aggregate your data silos.

And if that wasn't enough, one lucky participant that attends all three webinars will win a 4 night stay in a luxury cabin in northern Georgia!*

Thursday, March 25, 2021 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EST

Register today!

*Restrictions Apply. Email for full details.

Soaring Eagle also has our YouTube channel, with helpful tips and tricks.

SQL Governor